Sunday, November 09, 2008


Preaching and nerves

I'm usually a little apprehensive before preaching, and that's as it should be. But I was really very nervous before preaching this afternoon. We had civic Remembrance Sunday service, starting at the war memorial in the town, and then processing up with the uniformed organisations to a service in the church. The different churches in the town were represented, and I'd agreed to preach.

I chose to preach the following trajectory:

I think it went down OK, and was fairly accessible to the children in the congregation.

Moo brought Jo and Miri to the 1000 service, and Mark and Jen turned up, too. I'd not met her, and she seems good.

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I've been reading things on your blog for a while. I'm currently an ordinand at Westcott House also sponsored by Norwich. I love the way you approached the sermon and certainly based on that snapshot I can imagine it being very powerful.

Pax Christi

sounds good to me Mike
Tom - always good to discover a lurker. Thanks very much for you kind words. I was pleased with the sermon and how it went, which was a relief, because I'd been really pretty nervous about it!

Good luck with the training: what stage are you at?

Tom- I am an ERMC student (as was Mike), but am in Cambridge at Wescott every Wednesday for an MA class, it'd be good to say hi.
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