Wednesday, August 13, 2008



As you'll see if you look, James left a somewhat sniffy comment about my lack of ability to fold a corporal. You just can't get the staff, it turns out. That would be me.

Actually, it wasn't really a sniffy comment, but I could have read it that way if I'd felt like it. I do feel for poor Gary, though: I don't mind folding things (when I remember), but it's clearly not something he's used to doing.

Today, we had a visit from the possible new curate, but I wasn't able to make it.

The kittens continue lovely.

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Still struggling with what order to do things in when clearing up after communion... The corporal is fine now, but I'm struggling with the thing on top of everything else on Tuesday evenings (think it may be a veil or something?) and generally knowing what to eat, drink or clean out when... the Last Supper must have lasted for hours while Jesus did all that folding and clearing up - maybe that's why he said so much, just filling in time while somebody went to get a little jug and a couple of purificators?
But I'm very determined to get it right...
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