Sunday, April 15, 2007


Back home with Moo and Miriam

All well, and all home. The paediatric SHO who checked Miriam over before we left wanted a Registrar to check her over as well, but it turned out to be nothing, so we left and got home around 2pm. Jo's been fantastic with Miri (which is how we're shortening Miriam), though she's needing to understand appropriate levels of physicality! She's a little discombobulated, but who wouldn't be, and all in all, we're really happy with her. The next few days are devoted to rest, rest, rest for as many people as possible.


Yesterday, I popped into SecondLife. There, I met my friend Sophianne, and she gave me a fantastic present: a place to call my own. I've been debating whether I want to start renting anywhere in SL : it's a big commitment, particularly as I don't know how much time I can devote to it, and it costs real money, too. Sophianne has gifted me a place of my own in SL, part of a tented community in Koinonia, and has even given me some money to spend. I'm overwhelmed by her generosity. This is a community where land is a basic commodity, and just to be gifted something is very kind. I was also very touched that Arkin has said that when the Anglican cathedral is built, that I should consider it there for me to use whenever I want.

This all coincided with Radio 4's Sunday Service, which came from St Pixels. The online is becoming increasingly important to me from a Christian point of view - consider also the Synchrobloggers - and I'm wondering how to make a sensible, manageable commitment to that. SecondLife alone has had over 1.5 million people logging in over the past 60 days, from a community of 5.5 million: it's a very active place, and there are lots of opportunity for mission - in the broadest sense.

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