Sunday, March 21, 2010


Emergency, ice-cream and barbecue

I was due to preach at and celebrate the 0930 Holy Communion at Greenstead Green this morning, and pulled up at the church at 0901, in good time. There were more cars than I would have liked, and as I came past the church noticeboard, I noticed that it was a 0900 start... Ah. Geoff, who'll be leaving soon, kept things going until I was vested, and he took the first part of the service. I then preached, and as I preached, I saw that one of the congregation seemed to be in tears, head in hands. I finished the sermon, and went to check that she was OK. And then called an ambulance: she wasn't in tears, but feeling very faint. Geoff took the rest of the congregation up to the choir, and finished off the service with a few prayers and a blessing, rather than completing the Eucharist. I coordinated with the Emergency First Responder who turned up very quickly, and the ambulance crew, who weren't far behind him. We heard from the crew then that her blood pressure had got very low, but they'd stabilised it, and she was doing better. They then took her to hospital, and hopefully she'll be OK.

So, got home, and the girls had ice-creams while we sat outside in the sunshine. A glorious day, so we headed off and bought some products to clean the barbecue, some meat and some sausages. Barbecue time! We even ate outside, and then gardened afterwards. It's lovely to start back on the garden. I'm hugely into gardening an sich, but I don't mind it, and it's lovely to be able to start using the garden again.

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