Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thoughtful thoughts
(backposting) A friend of mine, Helen, posted a very interesting blog entry, entitled Searching for meaning in worship. It's a really interesting read, and I've wanted to reply to it, but haven't had the space to think about it. Helen's coming from a very different place to me, in terms of tradition, and I've never really been happy with the "worship song" style of worship. There are some modern songs that I enjoy, but not in the sort of "song sandwich" that she describes.I'm lucky in that I really enjoy liturgy, and I really enjoy music, particularly sacred classical (e.g. choral or organ music). I can become dispirited by bad music, but can use the liturgy, usually, to find the worship I need. And I love a good choral evensong or Sung Eucharist: I find that the music absolutely lifts me. And the theology tends to be pretty good: it's either Bible-based or in Latin (which is fine, though sometimes a little Catholic!). So I do OK. I feel for Helen: the worst I tend to get is dirgeful Anglican hymns, badly sung, but we have a good organist who plays at a decent pace, so that's rarely a problem.
What I really miss is the daily and weekly round of choral music that I'm used to. And there are times I find that very difficult.
Labels: worship