Starting too early
(backposting) I really, really didn't need to be at Liverpool Street station by 0804: I clearly left too early. A hard day with the customer, doing lots of work, and again managed to get home in time to see the girls. In the evening, though I wasn't really up for it, I had a meeting with John, my boss (church boss, that is). We went out for a curry, and I was really glad we'd got together, because we had a lovely, lovely chat, and the chance to talk lots of theology, as well as catch up. His wife died a few months ago, and he (under pressure from various people!) took some time off, so this was a great opportunity to get together again. I'm so, so lucky (or blessed, depending on how you look at it) to have such a wise, experienced and supportive training incumbent: I'm aware of others who are less lucky.
# posted by MikeCamel @ 9:21 pm