Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Post 1750

Ooh, that's an awfully big number.

Spent much of today thinking. I did some billable work, too, but it was great to have an opportunity to do some unhindered thought, and I'm pretty pleased with what came out of it. I had a good meeting with some of the folks from Tech, which I think will yield fruit - some soon, some later. And I now have a couple of major things to present to two different people tomorrow. In fact, I'm also giving a presentation to all of Professional Services - and hopefully lots of Tech and Support, too - on security tomorrow. Rather looking forward to that, I have to say.

Today's been a gouty day. I had some on Monday through Wednesday, but not too bad. Last night I had some lovely rare steak, and the gout transferred to the other foot, with extreme vigour. Ow. So, I've drunk a lot of water today, and hobbled.

And this evening, I went to my first Stitch 'n' Bitch meeting. I was the only male knitter there (another guy turned up with someone, but wasn't a knitter, and left), and everyone was very welcoming. I have to say that if there are any single guys out there looking to meet women, then taking up knitting would be a great way to do so! It really wasn't bitchy at all: just lots of women (and me) talking about knitting and everything else besides (I managed to avoid hearing much of a conversation about genetic counselling which was going on near me). One of the women there was also using a drop spindle, and I took a video of her doing it, with commentary, to show Moo, as I gave her a drop spindle for Christmas, and I think it should help her get the most out of it.

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