Saturday, December 26, 2009


Off to the in-laws

(backposting) Moo woke up not at _all_ well, poor thing. Not a hang-over (she definitely didn't drink enough), but really suffering. Mum, Dad and Leo got off OK and we headed off to Kate and Mac's around 0930. I drove, Moo dozed. Jo didn't sleep: but on the other hand she announced about halfway through the drive that she could count in 2s. And she could. It's something that Simon, her god-father, spent time with Jo on the other day. And, it turns out, she can count in 3s, 4s and 5s, too. Quite a bright cookie.

Jo and Miri were so pleased to see their cousins when we got there, and everyone enjoyed the present-opening. Well, Moo generally just tried to stay upright, and she left to lie in bed once we were done, servicing only after the children had gone to bed.

Hopefully she'll be better soon.

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