Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Most important day of the year?

It's St Michael's day: the day that we celebrate St Michael and All Angels. What day could be more important?

As it happens, I've been suffering from the lurgy: sore throat, headache, and even a little bit tearful when discussing the shopping list. That's pretty standard for the course when I get a bit ill: not really sure why. Moo's laughing didn't _really_ help, though I knew I was being silly.

Still got lots of work done, though.

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I've got a wife and eldest child down with what looks like 'flu. Both on the Tamiflu already. I get the feeling this week's figures could see a giant jump.
2 != "giant jump", I'd say ...

Think I've just got something else, not a the flu, however (though possibly man flu, which I believe doesn't respond to Tamiflu).
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