Sunday, September 06, 2009

Middleton church, Essex
Originally uploaded by MikeCamel
The gout was somewhat better today, luckily, and I headed off to Halstead church for the 0800. 8 other people there, which isn't bad for that service. I preached on the Messianic Secret, as the gospel reason was Mark 7.24-end. Why, I asked, was there a point in having a Messianic secret at all? Only if Jesus were so obviously a man _first_ to those who met him would it make any sense at all. And although the more extreme emotions - anger and sorrow - are maybe quite easy to associate with Jesus, the gospel reading show him tired, wanting time to himself, telling people not, please not to say who he was, and even maybe a bit grumpy. This helps me to appreciate the humanity of Jesus, particularly as I've been very tired recently.
After the service in Halstead, I went to this lovely church in Middleton, deputising for a colleague in a nearby benefice. I preached the same sermon, which seemed safe, and several people said how much they enjoyed it (always nice).
In the afternoon, once Nina had taken her two home (Jim had headed off even earlier than me to watch the cricket with Dad), I took the two girls swimming. Jojo managed a whole length (25m) on her own, with which I'm very, very impressed indeed.