Saturday, September 19, 2009


The Hobbit

(backposting) When I was young, I had a set of tapes of The Hobbit which I listened to again and again and again. I recently decided that Jo's probably just about old enough to enjoy it, in short snippets, so I ordered a copy, which arrived today, and have started reading it to her.

Started reading The Hobbit to Jojo. on Twitpic

In unrelated news, from time to time my sweet tooth gets the better of me. When this happens, I tend to go to the shop next door, buy a tinned syrup sponge, heat it up, add milk and _extra_ golden syrup, and eat the entire thing. I know that this will make me feel ill, and guess what: it did. I'm not proud of myself.

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I prefer to satisfy my needs with a family pack of wine gums. Same result.
Incidentally, having learnt the hard way, I've started priming my new class early, ready for Christmas - wine gums, or wine without the gums. Not chocolate. And DEFINITELY not a mug. Ever.
PS - If you want a teacher's present at any point, I can help with mugs. I have a good range from which you can choose.
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