Tuesday, September 22, 2009
And nobody came (well, a few)
(backposting) Today I stood in for my boss, who wasn't able to take the 1900 Holy Communion. It was St Matthew's day yesterday, and as we'd not transferred it to Sunday, I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate it today, so rather than use an altar in one of the side chapels, I prepared the high altar, and although I didn't change the altar frontal to red, I vested in red stole and chasuble and got ready to take the service.I sat down to ready myself, and waited, but after 5 minutes noone had come. I certainly wasn't going to celebrate Holy Communion on my own (quite apart from not being at all happy about the theology, it's forbidden by canon law), so I took a service on ante-communion, going through all the Holy Communion until the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer, and then stopping, finishing with the Grace. Just me. But I was very aware that I wasn't alone, but surrounded by the heavenly host. It was a fantastic experience.