Sunday, August 02, 2009


Church (and work)

(backposting) Well, it's Sunday. I went back to the lovely St Anne's, Reston, for their fantastic 1000 service. Great welcome, fun music, lots of people, and a baptism to boot. One thing that I really enjoyed was that once Jim (who was presiding) had baptised the baby, he walked around the church, telling him how this was his new family, and showing him all the people. It felt like an excellent introduction, and I think I'll emulate the practice. A few of the congregation invited me out to brunch in a restaurant nearby, which was really kind and, well, Christian. What a lovely church.

I had an idea about how to sort a sort out a problem that we'd been having at work, so went round to try to sort it out quickly. Unluckily, there were emails from a senior person that I ended up responding to, and so he came out to the office and I spent rather more time their than I'd intended: 5 hours...

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Walking the baby round the Church is an interesting idea, and I've often been tempted - especially with the cute ones who are not too heavy. But you didn't have to go all the way to St. Anne's, Reston to discover it - they do it at Halstead Methodist Church! Does sound like a cool Church though (am I too old to use the term "cool"?). We have so much we can learn from our Episcopal friends across the pond.
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