Sunday, June 07, 2009


Preaching on the Trinity

It's the one everyone worries about: preaching on the Trinity. Either it's easy to explain - and impossible to understand - or it's impossible to explain - and easy to understand. That's received wisdom, anyway. I was preaching in Colne Engaine, to a family service which a fair percentage of children.

I ended up preaching analogies - and noting that they're both useful and near useless. I used a few analogies, but my main one was cake. It's currently getting a bit of retweeting, which I'm quite chuffed about. The analogy I used was that the Trinity is a little like cake, in that you need ingredients, cooking and eating: they're all separate parts, but they're all required. I said the same about a conversation: you need a speaker, a listener and meaning. Or a song: music, words and singing. It all seemed to go down rather well, and I was quite pleased.

Jo was very sad when Mum and Dad went - lots of tears. So we went swimming, and had a lovely time. Kids went to sleep nice and quickly, and we're having a quiet time watching an old West Wing episode before going early to bed.

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Ruth has a recipe for a cake where you mix all the ingredients together in the sermon slot, put it in the oven and then take it out at the end of the service and it has separated into three distinct layers. You then serve the cake with coffee afterwards.
These Methodists have such fun...
I hate coffee. So where's the fun in that?
not honestly sure what I preached, I used the gospel reading John 3 1-17 and Isaiah 6...

...and God took over, lots of good comments and it "felt right" ...

don't do that too often, am usually pretty well prepared, and yes I'd read and studied the scriptures, but hey sometimes it is good to go with th Spirit...
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