Monday, May 11, 2009


A Quantum of Redundancy

Up at 0500 - why is that? Well, just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got to say Morning Prayer in silence, on my own for a change. Which was nice.

The other two things of note for today are:

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Bummer. Sorry, mate.
Yes, the film was rather disappointing. You just have to live with these set-backs. ;-)
Well if you let people use the word "Quantum" (which is on my degree certificate, let me say) out of context - then you're bound to get trouble.
I am just hoping that the third film of the series resolves all of this and has us all going "So that's what was going on." And failing that, my wife hopes Daniel Craig keeps making them for a few years yet!

Hope all comes good on the employment front, one way or the other...
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