Sunday, May 24, 2009


Preaching against the BNP

(backposting) I take the responsibility of the pulpit very seriously, and I generally don't like preaching against something, but decided that I couldn't avoid it today. The BNP (British National Party, and I'm not going to do them the service of linking to them) have been suggesting that church leaders should keep out of politics. Not only is this rubbish (as the Archbishop of York puts it: "which Bible are they reading?"), but there's a real danger that British voters, unhappy and disillusioned with the mainstream political parties after the scandals around expenses for MPs, will vote for the BNP in enough numbers that they'll have some representation and declare that they have a mandate.

So, I preached against their message of hate and fear, and talked about our duty, as Christians, to work for the coming of God's Kingdom, and the message of Isaiah 35: "Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you."

In the afternoon we had lots of fun at a fund-raiser for Jo's pre-school (lovely weather), and then we drove up to Kate and Mac's near Loughborough (in two cars, as I need to be coming back earlier than Moo and the girls.

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Sorry I've not been in touch recently, Mike - it's been stupidly busy at work (back to 7 days a week / long hours again...).
Sorry to hear about your job, too; it sounds as though you're taking the view that God will guide you, and I think that would be the right approach.
I've replied to this particular post because of the BNP bit - I support your views absolutely on this. Have you noticed that something like 530 people voted for them in the Hedinghams in the County elections? It's scary stuff. What on earth are these people thinking of?
Simon -

Good to hear from you - sorry you're working such ridiculous hours.

How did you find the numbers? I'd love to see the figures. How many of us voted Labour...?

Hi Mike

The figures are here:

I'm afraid I voted Lib Dem - sorry to disappoint you! Labour polled fewer than the BNP in the Hedinghams...beyond belief, really. Doesn't do much for one's confidence in humanity, does it?
That is scary. I wonder who the other 434 other people are?
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