Sunday, February 01, 2009



Of course evolution and natural selection are correct: how can they not be? We have to use our minds and accept the truth as God reveals it to us. I really have mo problem with reconciling this with my belief, my faith: none at all. I'm afraid that I have real problems with anyone who is a fundamentalist: and I'm afraid that Creationists - a particular flavour of Christian fundamentalist - are among the worst.

I personally go with the theory of intelligent design... there is too much evidence for evolution for me to deny it...

Creationism is not a supportable position... fundamentalism is shortsighted, and yet I have to hold to the need to place love first...
Don't be fooled by the propaganda of ID: it's creationism by the back door. God can work through evolution: you don't have to swallow all the ID to accept that.
The problem that Creationists have is that they misunderstand and misuse Hebrew poetry - which is what the first few chapters of Genesis are. When Wordsworth said "I wandered lonely as a cloud" did anyone really imagine that he floated around white and fluffy? Of course not! But is there any truth in it? Of course there is!
Hey, what's going on?? When did I last agree with Mike? But I do on this one. Mostly. New Scientist had a great article on why Darwin was (partly) wrong.
Course he got some of it wrong. He didn't have access to modern genetics, did he? But still, better than the alternatives.
According to the Sherine principle, that Darwin wrote a long time ago and was partly wrong means we can junk everything he ever wrote. How dare he be unable to sequence DNA and find out that cows are part-snake?
I don't believe that ID is creationism by the back door Mike, unless it is completely distorted by those who only want to go so far, which is impossible...

Creationism is frankly potty, I do believe that God works through the evolution process, but what Darwin proposed was simply a theory, and there are layers within that.

Bottom line I don't know, but God does!!!
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