Wednesday, November 26, 2008



That's what I've been doing all day. Eyes and nose, plus coughing. A man cold is a dangerous thing, and needs to be carefully handled. I think we can all agree that it's vastly to my credit that I raised myself from my sickbed and did lots of work.

Miri's much better, Jo had phlegmy vomit this morning but was fine by lunchtime, and Moo should be well enough to go to Birmingham tomorrow: but not being men, they don't run the risks we men do when we get ill. To be fair, I went to the chemist yesterday for a decongestant. I can't take sudafed due to hypertension, so he gave me a nasal spray. But I checked the instructions for dosages today, and it turns out that I shouldn't be having that either. See: danger all around.

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such a hero....
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