Sunday, November 23, 2008


More on the death penalty

A number of people have commented on my post The death penalty - and Baby P. I'd like to respond to some of those comments, which you can find at the link above.

The first is simple: I'm sure that quite a few people would be happy to admit to reading the Daily (and Sunday) Mail. That's fine. :-)

The second is a brief discussion on being "reformed" and being "redeemed". James talks about reforming alongside punishment, and that's a good liberal view, which I'd generally agree with, but for many, particularly those who generally wouldn't subscribe to the "liberal" tag, I think that reform isn't a particularly strong argument. Beyond that, there's the question of whether all are reformable: and, not being a criminal psychologist, I don't feel qualified to pronounce on this one, though I have the suspicion that not all are.

Which brings us to redemption. It's a very Christian word - at least in the way in which we were using it - and I'd been careful not to use any religious or theological arguments in my original post. That doesn't mean that we can't use it here: and I think that it's worth saying that I think we need to be careful about suggesting that by employing the death penalty, we're removing the chance that someone might be redeemed. God, of course, works in His own time, and I think this is a dangerous train of thought. In fact, noone actually said this explicitly, but no matter.

Last is the comment from Anonymous. I have no problem with people posting comments anonymously, as long are they're not abusive, which this one certainly wasn't. I do, however, disagree with the points that Anonymous makes. In the order that the commenter made them:

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Anonymous left another comment on the previous post, to which I'll respond here.

Anonymous talks about criminals redeeming themselves, but as I tried to explain in this post, there's a difference between reforming yourself and _being_ redeemed. I think that James and Avey - and certainly I - are not talking about someone redeeming themselves. We're talking about redemption in a Christian sense, where it is always God who redeems: not something that someone can do on their own. It's really not about people who have committed crimes being able to make things better themselves.

The other thing I'd say is that prisons are not easy. Particularly for those who have injured, abused or killed children. I suspect that the people commenting on this thread have, between them, spent an awful lot of time in prison between them, and can attest to the fact that it is not an easy life.

Of _course_ this should never happen again. But do you really believe that if we had the death penalty, then people who injure, abuse and kill children would suddenly stop think "oh, I'd better stop now, because if I cross this line, then I'll be executed?"
Speaking as one who has spent a lot of time in prison, and still does quite regularly - I was there yesterday morning - I cannot agree with this "prison is a cushy life" argument. Prison is a grim, frightening place where from time to time young men hang themselves in their cells because they are so frightened and ashamed. Yes some have TVs, but others spend 22 hours a day in a room 6 feet by 8 feet that stinks of s**t because the toilet is blocked and has overflowed over the floor, or because the last person to inhabit the cells was mentally disturbed and spread it all over the walls, and no-one's had the time to clean it off properly.
Some might say that they deserve it, but once again I'd have to disagree.
An incredibly high percentage something like 80% of sex offenders were themselves abused as children (who is the victim here?) and prison is a particularly hard place for these. They are in theory protected but there is always a chance that an officer will "forget" to keep them segregated and some of the injuries that I have seen are horrific. Again some might argue that they deserve it, but again I would disagree. I do believe we live in a civilised society, and this means that we do not punish a crime with another crime. If we meet violence with violence then the violence will simply escalate. Of course I am appalled and deeply saddened by the suffering and death of Baby P and the perpetrators need to be brought to justice for their good and the good of society. But the only way to reduce further instances of this kind of thing is to properly resource and supervise our social services, not just to kill the offenders.
As regards the crime rate argument. There's actually no way of telling whether instances of abuse have risen or fallen as we've, thankfully, become much better at reporting them. There's no telling in the past how many children have suffered in silence. I suspect that the murder rate has actually increased, but also suspect that this has rather more to do with the increase in number and availability of guns, than with the abolition of the death penalty.
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