Sunday, October 05, 2008
(background) I went out and walked the strip last night, and got really lonely. Thought about getting good and drunk, but resisted. However, I ordered a burger on the strip, started eating it and was already several bites into it before I realised that it was a cheeseburger. I sent it back, and had a proper one (I can't do melted/cooked cheese), but last night, I was not at all well. Didn't throw up in the end, but it all came out, one way or another.I'd hoped to go to Communion this morning, and had found a church, but I was worried that I'd continue to be ill, and it wasn't worth the risk, so I got up slowly and drank lots and lots of water. I got on a plane at 1200, by which time I was doing OK, and we arrived in Toronto at 1710 local, 4 hours or so later. Picked up a car, drove to the hotel.