Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Hard work time

I've been working away at a document for the folks at HQ for a while, getting the background - it requires quite a lot of new knowledge - and suddenly I hear that they want it rather quickly. So I spent quite a lot of time on it today getting lots of stuff sorted on it.

Also had my last tutorial on the Hermeneutics module today, looking at a short book by Thomas Merton called Praying the Psalms. Too patriarchal for my tastes: both at the Papal level but also at the family level. A good supervision, though, and one of the things I've learnt from this module is that we can look past the stuff we don't like (though it's important to exercise hermeneutics of suspicion) to a "new naiveté", and realise that the Holy Spirit works through people in their own contexts and times.

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exercising good hermenutical thinking can be a challenge- I am currently writing a feminest exegesis, looking at the birth narratives- interesting stuff esp when you look at M.A.R's work!
I was about to ask: who? But presumably Marcella Althaus-Reid?

Hmm - interesting indeed.
got it in one!
Should "who" be "whose"? (Not quite sure on this one but it's nearly Christmas...)
s*d off Gary!!!
"Who" was short-hand for "Who did you mean?" Whose work, indeed.
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