Saturday, September 08, 2007


Buster back

Jo slept through till 0600, which isn't bad. Headed off to pick Buster up this morning, and he was very pleased to see us. The other thing we decided that we needed to do was to let Miriam try some real food. So, breast milk and mashed banana, but she needs a high chair. So, despite the astonishing money nightmare (two holidays, Catherine's job deciding that they'd overpaid her last month, and taking the balance off this months... - you get the idea), we went and bought a new one for Jo. Passed the old one to Miri, who didn't seem to care.

So, Miri had her first meal, and did very well. She's been after it for quite a while, as mentioned previously, and was more convincing with it that Jo was, for her first meal. Speaking of convincing:


reading your blog I realise how far highchairs are behind me!!!! Thankk God... no really... thank God!
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