Sunday, August 12, 2007


Detoxing long walk

(backposting) Up at 0630 this morning with Jo, soon followed by Victoria with Sennon. Victoria and I sat around drinking tea and feeling somewhat sorry for ourselves while the children played. Moo came down after a couple more hours of sleep.

I was planning to get to church with Jo after Victoria headed off, but Jo was adamant that she didn't want to go, and was very, very tired, so I set off on my own. I turned back within 500m, and came back to spend some time with Moo, and support her with Jo if required. I decided that there will be more than enough church next week (the ERMC summer school), and that family should come first. Jo had a big sleep in the end, which she really needed, and Moo and I had some nice time together.

After lunch, we all went to Broaks Wood, the other side of Sible Hedingham, for a bit of a walk. Just planning on 35-40 minutes, we got hopelessly lost (as we _always_ do when we go there - only more than usual, this time), and ended up spending more like an hour and a half there. Miri slept most of the time, and Jo did very well, though she did need some carrying. We collected leaves from various trees for her to do things with tomorrow.

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well done Mike- family first excellent and Godly decision :-)
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