Sunday, June 17, 2007


Walking, preaching, zooing and training

So, I'm sitting in front of Britain's Got Talent (please, oh, please don't let either of the two children win: and if one of them has to, not the dancing one - why am I in tears, oh _puh-lease_?), after quite a day. Father's Day, for course. Presents: I was preaching at Long Melford (none of you came!), and it went well. I was rather nervous to start with, but it went well. I was preaching on justification by faith, and started with Article XIII:
Of Works before Justification.
Works done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ, neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the School authors say) deserve grace of congruity: yea, rather for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the nature of sin.
People started trying to listen, but by the time you get to "deserve grace of congruity", they've lost it. Which is the point: to make justification by faith scary, and then to make it clear. It went very well, and Ian was very positive, which was pleasing. I administered one of the chalices, and after failing to give the first communicant _any_ wine (until she complained), that went quite well. So, all-in-all, a good experience. The problem is that I get home having left Moo to look after both girls for 3 hours, which is hard.

But we went to have lunch, and then off to the zoo, which Jo enjoyed a lot. Was too scared by the "big train", but did the small one in the "familiar friends" area twice.

Then, as Moo was putting Jo down to bed, I took Miriam and Buster for another walk. Heaven knows that I don't treat my body as a temple, but I love walking. Hard, through the country, preferably with a dog, and a child strapped somewhere about my person. There's something so liberating about the physicality of it which I never would have expected to enjoy. So we thank God.

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That way of walking sounds wonderful, as for the sermon wish I could have heard it, but not turning up to lead and
preach in the main church ( 200 people) may have got me sacked!

Glad all went well :-)
Scarily, I remember preaching on that Article many years ago, at a very Calvinist Anglican church in Milton Keynes. But I got all charismatic(in the theological sense, obviously) and they never asked me again.
Sorry Mike, but I had two reaching engagements and a Patronal Festival bring and share lunch to get through.
I also had an interesting time on Chalice duty in a strange church. I'd been warned that most people there would expect to hold the chalice themselves so that was OK; but one person held the host so as to receive by intinction. She clearly expected to dunk it herself (which is of course forbidden by Mother Church) and the look on her face when I took it off her, intincted it and put it on her tongue was a picture. Oh well, I'll know next time.
Oh Simon- I'd love to have seen her face..., and yours I think!
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