Sunday, June 03, 2007
Maybe TV will calm me down
We _all_ went to church today. There's an 0930 family service on the first Sunday of every month at Long Melford, and as it was Trinity Sunday, and it's Holy Trinity Long Melford, well, the theme was the Trinity. Ian did a great address, using the three hares window as the exemplar. And three cuddly rabbit toys. It was great to have the whole family in church, and it was a really friendly service and congregation, too.In the afternoon, I took Jo with her bike to Clare Country Park, where she cycled all the way round with very little help before playing on the swings, etc. Of course, she didn't want to go back to the car at the end, so there were tears and mild hysterics (we've had quite a lot of those recently, as she's very tired), and so out came the line "maybe TV would calm me down". It made me laugh so much that she caught it, too, and her hysterics turned to laughter. Then we had "I want some ice-cream". "We're about to have lunch." "Maybe after lunch. We'll see. Probably after lunch." Indeed: we'll see.
Lovely walk with Miriam and Buster while Moo put Jo to bed.