Saturday, June 02, 2007
No, not our waking up time (I was awake around 0430, Jo at 0500, Moo and Miri at 0545), but when Jo came into the spare room with me, we spent an hour negotiating (mainly my telling her that it wasn't morning time yet) and half asleep for some of that. But we were having a cuddle at 0600, and Jo said to me "can I see your watch?" I showed it to her, and she said "look at the little hand: it's pointing at the number six. It's six o'clock". We've been working on this, but wow!So, lots of marks to her. After some time with Moo and Miri, they went downstairs, and I got another hour and a half's sleep, which really helped. Then Jo and Buster and I went for a nice long walk again, and Jo came back filthy (she'd got her boots stuck in some mud, and fallen down more than once). A quick bath, and then out to Hartest (where we nearly bought a house once) for a lovely meal, then shopping, then home to let the dog have some quality time.
After that, we headed off to Long Melford. On the way to Hartest (which we'd reached via a circuitous route aimed at keeping Jo asleep for as long as possible), we'd noticed that there was a fair on the Green. So, we thought we'd take Jo there.
I "won" a cuddly tigger, Jo refused to spend more than a minute in a bouncy air-filled thingy, and then to go on anything else, but had a lovely time. She just seemed to like wandering around the fair (four times?), and eating a hot dog, so all was well.
We got home later, had some ice cream and jelly, and then put Jo to bed. Another walk with Buster, and then Grease is the Word on TV.