Tuesday, May 01, 2007


SecondLife developments

There's now a blog for the Anglican Cathedral in SecondLife. The exciting news is that we've been offered some money to buy an entire island to support the ministry, by a Christian (not an Anglican, as it happens) in New Zealand. Mark Brown (Arkin) is unsurprisingly overjoyed, and at a meeting (which I missed, unluckily), members of the "Anglicans in SecondLife" group agreed that we should go ahead with a purchase.

There is talk of services, more building, theology groups, the works. We're rushing ahead, which is fantastic, and trying to work out how to organise ourselves. It's going to be fascinating, and hard work - how to deal with the logistical, organisational, not to mention political and theological issues. What about a Eucharist, for instance? I'm really looking forward to being involved.

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Sounds excellent Mike; this is the type of ministerial work that you were talking about being involved with last year- I hope it is recognised and valued for the real witness it is.
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