Tuesday, December 05, 2006


That last port

(backposting) Not sure that I needed to have a final drink today. I was in Staines again - decided at around 1045, after more discussions with colleagues in the US, that it was worth my going there again. Wasn't sure how much use I was going to be, but my presence would serve a political purpose as well as a practical. In fact, I was some use, after all, and I managed to leave around 1830, which was an hour and a half earlier than last time.

I then had a good meeting over supper with Micke, a colleague, around strategy for the company in Europe. I'd had a good call during my (two and half hour) drive from home to Staines with Johan, another colleague, so I'm pretty much set up for my meetings next week.

Again, I said evening prayer before going to dinner. Particularly when I know I'm going to have a drink or two of an evening, I do try to say it earlier. I was so, so tired again, and it was a little oasis of calm, like last time.

An oasis of calm- sounds like a good place to meet with God in the midst of a busy day...now if only I could find one!
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