Sunday, December 17, 2006


Sleep helps

Two nights of fairly decent sleep have really helped things along. Not perfect, but pretty good. Oh, and I got an hour and a half of sleep this afternoon. Moo and Jo went to bed at the same time, but didn't get to sleep, so thats's not such a good thing. Sally quoted my Ipswich post on my blog today. Wasn't sure how I felt about it, but it was pretty visceral, so I thought I'd leave it on.

Jo's getting better - less coughing, though still temperature. Moo says that she's feeling better, but she sounds terrible. I'm OK so far, and I'm hoping that I'll stay OK: though not as much as Moo is, as she's concerned that I'll really go on about it, and revel in my maladies. Can't think why she'd feel that.


sometimes our best comes as a gut reaction!
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