Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Sleepy obviousness

I'm rather tired today, as I was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night (it was, in fact, when I wrote last night's blog), as Jo woke up around 0000, and then I couldn't get back to sleep. I've been spending more time in SecondLife, kind of for work. I'm trying to work out whether I like it or not. I've so far not managed to find a group to be involved with, and I'm not going to commit any money to serious building at this point. Hmm.

Jo's been lovely today, although she seems to have some sort of throat thingy going on, as she was rather croaky this morning and this evening. She kept running up to me and giving me a cuddle, which is fantastic. She's going through a big speaking improvement at the moment, including:

It's fantastic listening to her trying out language.

Jo also had a haircut today. She did need it, particularly on her fringe, but it's always sad. Luckily she's got lots to lose.

The obvious bit

I thought about getting more into the discussion about sexuality on John Smulo's blog, but couldn't get into it. Part of the problem is that I think I'm coming at this from a very different direction to most of the people posting. I don't see discipleship as so clearly defined - not even by the biblical record, and particularly not by the New Testament record. The fact that we have to understand human desire and need in the _context_ of humanity, balancing it with biblical teaching _interpreted_through_theology _ seems obvious to me. Not all of the tipping points are obvious. One thing I that I always try to remember is that Jesus was _fully_ human, and that means, I believe, that he felt sexual desire, and struggled in the same ways that we do. He understands. That's not to condone any particular course of action, but just to make sure that we come to the issue with a realisation not that God understands in a remote, omniscient sort of way, but through real experience of hormones, and desire, and pain, and disappointment and confusion.

I like this post- I love the way you take note of Jo's language development... it is fascinating watching little ones learn to speak!

My lot are drinking beer at the moment- they have friends over and no classes tomorrow so I suspect Jo makes more sense than them right now!

Also as regards your comments on sexuality- many Christians fight shy of the revelation that Jesus full humanity made him a sexual person who felt desire and struggled with hormones... the fact that pain disappointment and confusion are a part of our human experience in many areas not just the area of sexuality are reminders of our brokeness. Evangelical statements often portray the "Chocolate box" image of discipleship... but unlike Forrest Gump they don't lift the lid to see that life is indeed like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get!

See you Friday...

Peace and blessings

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