Friday, November 17, 2006


Returning home

(backposting) Caught a flight on Thursday night at 2020. The usual economy seat (dull), and a very full flight. I got about 3 and half hours of sleep, which is pretty good, and meant that I was feeling pretty human by the time we landed around 0750. This was a little over half an hour early: we'd caught the gulfstream, and there was someone on board who was clearly ill enough to get them to get us down quickly, but not so ill that we needed to divert. Hopefully they're OK.

I'd hoped to have a quiet day, but things really kicked off with a meeting at the end of Thursday, so I was very busy indeed. Nothing I can talk about at this point.

Got home a little before Jo and Moo got back from Jo's music class, so Jo was a little surprised when I got her out of the car. She's very pleased with the two presents I bought her from Roots. What a lovely shop...

Bath, then sleep for a little over an hour, and, unluckily, work in the afternoon. Bed earlyish.

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