Sunday, November 19, 2006
Preaching and drowsiness
(backposting) Luckily, they don't seem to be connected. Keith had asked me just yesterday if I could take a BCP Morning Prayer at Toppesfield, as he'd not got anyone else to take it. I agreed, intending to take Jo, in order to assuage somewhat the wrath of Moo, who, after all, had looked after Jo all yesterday morning. She convinced me out of it, as Jo really is a little too young, and she was far more reasonable about it than she really had any need to be. Took the service, prayed for little Tom, Carolyn's son, and preached on the Messianic Secret in Mark. Mainly, I talked about how the different gospels each have a different feel, how they were written for different audiences and different reasons, and then looked at Mark's specifics. Seemed to go down well. Toppesfield's a funny place: I asked at the end if it was OK, and not too long, and got the "well, the service was finished by 1200, and that's when the pub opens, so it was OK." And they're not joking, either.Si and D and Morgan came round for bacon butties for lunch, and Jo and Morgan had great fun throwing and catching a rugby ball. It was good to see them - it's been a while - and we had a lovely time.
I'd woken up with a bad ankle - a problem I've had before, and for which the doctor's given me some medication. The stuff can give you an upset stomach, so there's something else I can take at the same time. I took both around 0800, but as were driving to Freeport around 1430, I suddenly got very drowsy. Made it there safely - just - but really started to go off as we walked around. A cup of tea and some caramel slice helped (!), but I slept most of the 30 minutes home. Went to bed - and straight to sleep - before 2000!