Friday, October 20, 2006


Supervision and training agreement

Just looked at one of yesterday's posts: not often you get to use the word "churchpersonship", which is a pity.

Moo had Jo "help" her make some flapjacks today, which I'm all in favour of. Had a bit of a sulk when they were done, though, as Moo had put apricots in them. I don't like apricots, and if you're going to make something with the bubba, why not make something we can all enjoy? :-(

Had a supervision today with Keith. Had to put together my training agreement for the year. Can't see anything wrong with posting the main section, so here it is in draft:

Learning Outcome 1: To develop a fluent and consistent voice in preaching

Assessment: Being able to discuss and respond to criticism and comments and to apply to sermons and their preparation.

Learning Outcome 2: To use insights gained from the full range of activities on the course in daily life and discipleship

Assessment: A committed blog with responses to questions from readers; honest and frank discussion with Christians and non-Christians.

Learning Outcome 3: Seek and maintain own support network

Assessment: Being able to cope with the pressures, whilst managing to keep ample time for family and self and maintaining balance between family life, work and study.

Learning Outcome 4: Explore the place of music in my private and corporate devotion

Assessment: create and present to various course and non-course people a piece of work examining this learning outcome.

Seariously the offer to preach in a Methodist Church is one that is open- you might enjoy Feltwell's interactive sermon - cafe church- they'll make you think on your feet!!!

Offered the same to Gary ( a sneaky way of making some of my preaching engagements go away!)...
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