Tuesday, August 22, 2006


New students

(backposting) A good service this morning of Morning Prayer and Holy Communion following BCP, led by Malcolm. I do love the BCP. More group work on mission, and then lunch.

I'd volunteered (being a good boy) to welcome the new students. I was put on one of the gates - one clearly marked "no entry" - and saw very little of any of the new students. Ran up to one of the other gates to see if my first aid (sorry "Emergency First Responder") skills were needed after a minor car accident, but they weren't (the new student following was a GP), and had a good chat with Peter (another student), and read some more "Indecent Theology", a book about which I'll be speaking more after I've finished it.

Got to meet the new students in our group this evening - a very pleasant time, and then we headed off to the bar for a few drinks. (Note - this happens most evenings during summer school, though I _tend_ to get to bed before, say, 0130.

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