Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Last day before Certicom

Rosie, Mum's sister and Jo's great aunt, came over and met Jo for the first time since her christening. She was suitably impressed, and we then headed off to the Crown in Churchill for lunch (rare roast beef on granary - yum!), and Rosie then headed off to see Florence for the first time.

Jo and I headed home - over 5 hours, including stops. Jo did really well: she didn't sleep for more than 2 hours of it, and we did have to stop a couple of times, including once because she just wanted a cuddle, but I'd taken a cross-country route on purpose, so we did fine. She probably cried for less than 3 minutes in total. Basically, she can now understand what you're talking to her about, and can interact much better. She's a star.

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