Saturday, July 22, 2006


Family day

I'm off on business for some of next week, and it was lovely, therefore, to have a great family day today. Jo slept in past 0800, which meant that we did, too, and after a slow breakfast, we got Jo dressed and I took her into Clare so that Moo could have a sleep. I put her in the backpack, and we walked around the country park (she kept asking for "animals!" - these farms we've been going to have set her expectations a bit high. There were, however, ducks and swans ("hiss!"). We then bought some milk, as she'd kept asking for it, and headed into the church, which has a great acoustic. I had a little sing ("He who would valiant be..."), and Jo had some milk. She then wandered around the church, finding crosses after I'd pointed one out to her. I turned out that there were quite a lot to find. :-)

A bit more shopping, then home. Moo was still asleep, which was good. Then Jo to sleep, then lunch. Then we went for a walk - "White Horse extended" in our nomenclature - and then home. Jo's food, then bed. Where she went down very quickly. Hopefully we'll have a good evening.

I've also got Blackberry IM working, which will probably be useful.

Preaching at Tilbury-juxta-Clare at 0930 tomorrow.

glad you had a ggod day- hope the preaching goes well.
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