Thursday, July 06, 2006


Being outed (+ last day + new radio)

I've been outed today. It's painful, but it's out in the open now: I'm posh. Officially. I went to private schools from age 8 (boarding), and then to Oxbridge (oy, Gary!). I'm not ashamed. Well, not very much. I married beneath mysel^W^W a good comprehensive girl, and my political views are firmly left-leaning these days. I've voted Labour in several elections recently. Oh: maybe not, then.

What else? Well, in major news, it was my last day at Cryptomathic today. I'm on holiday until the 19th July, which is my first day at Certicom. I'm rather excited. I bought a new car radio and some rear speakers: much better than what came with my car, and it'll play MP3s, too.

Then drove to Kate and Mac's, and got their broadband working. I'm a star, really. Jo was so pleased to see me: I love her very much.

Oh - something I forgot to mention yesterday. On Monday, I bought a collection of Richard Hooker's sermons (2nd hand at the Cambridge SPCK), and I started to read them last night. He's a (the?) theological father of Anglicanism, and the sermon that I've read so far was really inspiring: I'm really looking forward to reading more.

mike- you posh???
well you kept that a secret for such a long time...
we did get an inkling when you were the only one to bring a tux to summer school- for a barn dance!!!
but then we thought no he just knows he looks good in it!!!
ah well we commoners will bow to your poshness...
wait no I went to private schools from the age of 5- regular play dates to the Palace in Malaysia, the Princess was in my class at school- does that make me posh?
No because on returning to the UK a change of family fortunes and I was living on a pig farm and attending a local Comp!!!
So may I claim a foot in each camp?
and yes you are a star not because you can get broad band up and running but because you can write about how much you love your daughter.
See, I was starting to suspect when I noticed you drink wine rather than beer. It's these subtle things.
However we mustn't be too judgemental. Apparently this kind of thing runs in families, so it's not all a matter a choice.
Mind you, when you see them on the Posh Pride rallies in London, wearing their outlandish clothing (tweeds, cravats, stuff like that), not to mention the chanting: "We're here! We're genteel! Get used to it!"...
genetic poshness gary whatever next- so that makes me unposh then cos my parents came from a council estate in Peterborough they were pretending poshness when we lived in Malaysia!
1) It wasn't a tux, it was a DJ. We're not American. Oh, dear.
2) I drink beer, too, but only real ale. Obviously.
3) Daaaaaaaaahlings.
oh sorry slip of continents one has lived on both don't you know
tis when u r tired
sometimes I have been known to get into the passenger seat expecting to find the steering wheel
I'm horrified. You need de-Yanking, it seems. Here's a test. What do the following words mean to you?

you forgot to add whizzing to that list
I thought Noel Edmonds was a DJ. Am I missing something?
ah gary you should never admit listening to Noel Edmonds...

and Mike never never use the word Yankee with reference to Americans in the deep South if you know whats good for you
Cowboy yes- yankee NO!!!!
I lived in Houston, Texas- therfore de-Yanking is not appropriate!!!!

Have a nice day y'all
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