Saturday, June 03, 2006
Silence and barn-dancing
(backposting) What a day of contrasts! It started off (as last night had finished) with silence. There was a set of prayer resources - based around the different senses - in the cloister garden, which was excellent. I was up rather earlier than I'd hoped, so spent some time there before breakfast. A silent breakfast was a bit weird, but good, and then a little more time in the garden. and then I decided to sit down and just write one of my assignments: the journal reflection. And I did! didn't quite finish it before the end of the silent period, so got it done that afternoon.A very good session on practices that might keep one sane as a priest, and a couple of less convincing ones on spirituality and leadership. Then evening worship, then the barn-dance. I'd offered to play the violin - for the first time in maybe 8 years - mainly so I wouldn't need to dance. This worked very well, and we had a great time.
Stayed up a little later than I'd meant to - but not too late - talking to Sally, Sarah and Sheila. Sally, of course, blogs, but we've convinced Sarah and Sheila to blog, too, and we intend to set up a webring.