Sunday, June 04, 2006
Leavers, and home
A good service with Group D, at which we said goodbye to Ray and Janice. I'll miss them both: Janice has been a great friend, and Ray a rock in trouble.A useful discussion on the new papers for next year (Esther), and spiritual direction (particularly useful: Helen). A communion service at which we said goodbye to all the leavers (and I was cantor for the Peruvian Gloria), and then lunch, then home.
Went to Si and D's for Morgan's birthday party (met Moo there - she had been coming back from her parents, where she'd spent the weekend). Jo had a lovely time, particularly on a grown-up swing, but Morgan was a little naughty. It was so good to see Si and D (and their family, actually): it's been a while, and we really miss seeing, and were beignning to worry that they didn't like us anymore. :-(
About to email Sarah, Andrew and Sheila to talk about setting up a blog.
Lovely to see Moo and the Jo. Jo's come on again: new words include:
- "way" - for away, as in "take that away"
- "leaf"
- "line"
- "plane"
- "and" - "Mummy and Daddy" - this was a big surprise.
- proper use of "two" - this morning, she apparently pointed at one light, said "light", pointed at another light, said "light", thought for a bit, and then said "two". The child's a genius.
Wonderful words from Jo- and I cannot sum up the weekend as well as you- it may take weeks- trouble is I must write an essay and now it is harder than ever!
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