Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Consider my cat Jeoffrey

For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry.
For he is the servant of the Living God duly and daily serving him.

I woke sometime before 0430, and failed to get back to sleep, largely due to the fact that Willum, one of the cats, kept clawing at the door. In the end, I decided that if God had decided to keep me awake by the agency of the cat, then he probably wanted me to do something, so I got up and wrote the project for the first year Theological Reflection. Nearly got it finished, and actually completed it this evening, and got everything printed out. That's pretty much everything, now, with the exception of the end of year report, which is due out for the some time at the beginning of July. What an enormous relief.

well done- want to pop over and finish all my stuff off???
I could e-mail it through
I am not above bribery
ok I will go do it myself!
Rats. Assignments. I knew there was something.

Right, break out the black coffee, Pro Plus and cheese toasties.

It's going to be a loooong Friday...
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