Saturday, May 27, 2006


Catching Sally up...

Huzzah - I've now got two of the four assignments done for mid-June. Sally - worth checking whether it's 3 or 4 we have due in, though I know that it may well be different for you. Anyway, having done lots of reading last night, started it this morning, and finished it this evening, despite lunch out and a trip to Colchester zoo. It helped that I chose Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, a text that I'd already studied earlier this term (this is allowed - even encouraged - so I'm not cheating!). Fascinating, and I'm really pleased with what I've produced. I'm also pleased to have got a "popular culture" reference in again: last term, I managed to get U2's "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb", and this time it was The Byrd's recording of Pete Seeger's "Turn! Turn! Turn!". OK, so popular culture's pushing it a bit these days, but it's well known, and it's hardly academic.

It was raining - hard - at Colchester zoo, and (unlike Moo), I didn't have a hat. Jo kept lowering her anorak hood, presumably in sympathy with me, so we both got very wet hair.

Fi, my godmother, phoned today, to chat and catch up. She looks at my blog from time to time, and it's nice to feel that she keeps in touch that way.

Don't think I've mentioned it before, but Jo's now saying "please" and "thankyou" (well, it sounds like "dup", but it's the best she manages most of the time) quite a lot. At the right times, and she knows that she's supposed to. Now, if we can only keep this up.

Oh, and I managed to get her to say "geek" today, which made me rather proud, in a sad kind of a way.

Thanks for the tip- I will check that out... If I need to write another essay I will go sit under a bucket and sulk... my brain hurts!!!
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