Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bedtime earliness
(backposting) The main reason that I'm backposting this is that we went to bed very early. In fact, we were asleep by 2200, which is really quite early, even for us. We're both quite tired, and need to catch up a bit, and are hoping that a few nights like this might help.Jo had a temperature for a lot of the day, and we suspect that it might be because she's reacting to the MMR (not as badly as Digi, though, I'm pleased to say): this is quite common a week in. She's fine otherwise, but we weren't sure early afternoon-ish, so I went home early. No problems, in the end.
I've started one of my assignments, and I'm maybe a little over halfway through - it's a guide to how you might do exegesis using solely online tools. I'll probably post it when it's done.
Last, and least, I've decided that if I'm going to be working from home more, I need to sort out some bits and pieces on the home network. Current plans include:
- getting network shares sorted out properly
- a DNS server on the internal network
- monitoring and SNMP control of a wireless bridge which plays up from time to time (and currently needs a hard reset when it does)