Monday, March 13, 2006


Sleep, the reprise

Or not. We tried for over and hour and three quarters (starting at 0245), but it wasn't to be. Every time we left the room (or tried to), she woke up. And screamed. After an hour and a half, I took Moo up on her offer to go in. Immediately, Jo started to scream for Daddy, which was quite amusing, on one level. On another level - the fact that she (and we) had been awake for that long - it wasn't.

Moo's heard from her old work that they'll pay her for her holiday, so that she can finish a project she's on. Extra money, huzzah.

It's been a long time, but I've got round to arranging a time to see John, my spiritual director. I could use a bit of spiritual direction at the moment. A number of things are being quite hard at the moment, though I can't talk about them really. Nothing life-shattering, it's just that I could use a bit of support and someone outside the process to talk to.

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