Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Sleep, oh blessed sleep

I slept for a little under 10 hours, and boy, did I feel better for it. Phoned home, only to discover that Jo had been sick in the night again, poor thing. And poor Moo. By the time I'd phoned, however, Jo was pretty much back to normal, and they seemed to have had an OK day. Moo now has no work until the 3rd of April, when she starts her new job. FWA have sent lots of IT information (including telling her that they've bought her a laptop and monitor), with which was a login to her email, etc.. So, we've done that, and it's all very exciting.

A busy day in Zurich, but I was back just before 2100, so not too bad. The project we're doing is going very well indeed, and there's lots of writing up to be done.

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