Thursday, March 09, 2006


A good day

OK, so Jo took an hour and a half to go down after she woke up at 0350, but that's still quarter of an hour less than last time. And I got some sleep afterwards, so not too bad.

Good day at work, too: got a new technical white paper written - or finished off - and I'm very happy with it. Oli, who reviewed it, said that he thought the quality was top quality and that it was excellent. So, I was pretty chuffed about that. And I had an hour and 7 minutes phone call with one of the technical guys from Denmark about the new project we're working on, which gave us a realy good start on the work we need to do. In fact, it enabled me to start off the project documentation. Lots done, then. And a call from a head hunter, which is always nice. As Si says, it's silly not at least to find out what people think you're worth. And it's also good to keep an eye on your career.

And it ended up with a good supervision, which was officially on Paul's Epistle to the Romans, but which we carried over onto more general NT issues, including the Epistle to the Hebrews (not by Paul, everyone's pretty sure). We talked about the "crowd of witnesses", which led us onto the community of the saints and to pastoral issues. A very interesting and affirming discussion.

Back home, and Moo'd made flapjacks. There were even a few which Jo hadn't eaten. Apparently she loves them. And she thinks that high-fiving you is also very funny. I didn't see her tonight, because of the supervision, but I'll be looking forward to that tomorrow.

A good day. Thanks, Moo, thanks Jo, thanks work, thanks God.

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