Friday, February 17, 2006


My first day with Jo - on my own

I know she's nearly a year old (Tuesday, folks), but this is the very first day that I've looked after Jo all on my own. Moo had two job interviews, so I got to look after the Jo. The time both flies and drags at different junctures: it's weird. We had lovely time, and I think I did OK. I got all of the things done that I wanted to get done, Jo ate well, she had a couple of naps, and I managed to get her to sleep in the evening before Moo got home. Just. It only took 35 minutes, but I'm quite chuffed with how it went.

Moo's a star, and although she didn't get invited back for a second interview on the first job (we've yet to hear about the second one), she clearly feels that she's back in the zone. I love her so much, and I'm so proud of her.

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