Monday, February 20, 2006


Last day of being 0

Jo turns 1 tomorrow, and it's quite emotional, in a weird kind of a way. It's a huge milestone, and she won't be quite the same little baby ever again. Not that there's anything really different about tomorrow from a biological or developmental point of view, but it's, well, a milestone, and both Moo and I got a little melancholy about it in a happy, loving way.

Jo's rediscovered talking today - for a couple of weeks, she's not been saying much - the odd word here or there, often to ask what something is - but today she must have decided that she knew enough words and that it was time to start talking back. All day, apparently - certainly I noticed the difference when I got home from work. She was lots of fun in the bath, too: eating my toes (I obviously had to eat hers back), playing "1-2-3-SPLOSH!" with the duck, laughing, splashing. It feels like a hundred years ago that we were getting both excited and worried about taking Moo into Addenbrooke's hospital for the elective caesarean, this time last year. And, at the same time, just a week or so ago.

There have been some hard times - when she had problems feeding when she was very small, the colic (oh, the colic!) some of the sleeping problems she's had - but all-in-all, it's been the happiest, most fantastic time it could possibly have been.

We've just finished off the curry we made a couple of days ago (yum, and even hotter after 48 hours), and are sitting in front of the new Pride and Prejudice, which is out on DVD to rent (which is what we've done). I watched the second half o nthe plane back from Singapore, and I've been waiting for it to come out. Such a great story and, in my humble opinion, there's a some good smouldering between Lizzie Bennet and Mr Darcy.

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