Saturday, February 25, 2006
Went to Freeport retail outlet village-y place this morning, arriving before it started, and spent a good couple of hours there. Moo needed some work clothes - it's been ages since she needed to be in often, and she's been pregnant since, so she needed a number of suits and posh tops. We managed to get some good stuff for very good prices (which was the point of going there in the first place), and she's really happy to have some real clothes that fit, for a change. She's beginning to get excited about the job, and we (I) realised today that her contract actually runs out in under the time that she'd be giving notice for, so not only does she not have to upset people by giving in her notice (she'll just say that she won't renew her contract), but will also be able to start her new job earlier than initially expected.We lost the rugby to Scotland, which is bad news.
Made a nice chocolate cake when Si and D and Morgan came over. Jo's not allowed any, unluckily, and Morgan didn't want any. All the more for us. We had champagne, which went rather better with chocolate cake than you might think.