Sunday, February 05, 2006


And Scotland beat France

Yet another good rugby day, today, and a good day all round. We took Jo out to Clare Country Park, and she did lots of walking, and lots of being distracted by ducks ("Duck! Duck! Duck!"). She slept for a little over an hour in the morning, we had lunch, and then I took her for a 7 mile walk. Not that she was walking, of course. She slept for another hour or so, which means that she got lots and lots of sleep today.

As of today, Jo seems keen to be saying "dat, dat!" and pointing at things. It looks like she's going through a labelling stage, and just wants us to tell her what things are, from cars to trees to toy tigers to trains in books to scarecrows in fields to, well, anything you can think of - or at least anything to which she can point. Her walking's also come on leaps and bounds (well, you know what I mean): she can walk quite a long way, now, particularly if she's holding someone's hand, but she's got such good balance that she can carry things while she walks. Things like blocks, large format books, even a full-sized rugby ball (we're starting early).

She can understand simple commands, like "give that to me, please", when you're pointing, or "give the tiger to Mummy", even if she has to look for the tiger, then go and get it, and then give it to Moo. It's amazing. Words that she's picked up this week, and can understand at least enough to point to, include:

I probably ought to stop recording them, but it's such fun seeing her pick new words and concepts up. She's also started scribbling with a magnetic pen on a little screen designed for the task. She loves it, and we've convinced her to hold the pen at least half right, which means that she's got a good deal of control over what she's scribbling. Moo's ordered some crayons and paper for her on the Interweb superhighway.

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