Tuesday, January 17, 2006


More laptop woes

So, my boss came in today, and his laptop's broken. And no, it wasn't me.

Peter, really, really needs a laptop. Quite apart from anything else, he's doing a lot of travelling at the moment. On top of that, he goes into withdrawal if he's away from email for more than 30 minutes, so he really, really needs a laptop.

So I suggested he use mine. They're pretty close in terms of models (his was/is a ThinkPad T41, mine's a T42), so Oli swapped out the HDDs, made some driver changes, and Bob's your uncle (well, mine, actually, but that's another story). Hopefully, a new one will arrive on Monday, and although I'm angling to keep it, I suspect that I won't be allowed to. But, quite apart from the sheer altruism, it's got to have earned me some points, hasn't it?

It is a pain, though - I get to use a crappy old desktop out in the main open area of the office, and I can't use it at home. I can access pretty much everything I need to from home (note to self: set up VPN connection), but it's a pain. Heigh-ho, it was the right thing to do.

I meant to write a little comment on "Aaron", the George Herbert poem that I quoted a couple of days ago. It's just a great description of the unworthiness that I, at least, feel, when taking services or preaching. A friend said that she felt the same, and then pointed out this poem, and the brilliant resolution that Herbert provides.

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